10/29/24 The thing about our anniversary is it is also the anniversary of the week before our hearts broke watching results come in on our honeymoon in Spain— I will never again buy cava and fancy ham sandwiches for later, to celebrate with such confidence such clear-eyed joy. I will never again stay up late waiting for the good thing to happen not understanding that it wasn’t happening. The thing about our anniversary is my maid of honor said I was like an ant tiny and so unexpectedly strong and then she told everyone to vote and you had a heavy beard and my dress didn’t fit properly maybe because women’s bodies are never adequately understood or maybe because the tailor was rushed tired unwilling to admit defeat from the shape of me The thing about our anniversary is my father sang a song from The Fantasticks and I held one of my bridesmaids’ hands, hard, before I walked down the aisle and I didn’t know I would need her that then. The thing about our anniversary is we danced to Dire Straits and everyone said it would go fast and it did and my maid of honor wore tulle and I had a flower crown and the sound system sounded like shit and a week later I’d be sobbing in a Hillary Clinton t-shirt in a hotel in Seville because it is hard to hold so much hope and so little at once.
Your poem is beautiful. I will share it with friends. We all need to hold each other's hands in a virtual circle. No matter what happens we will have each other. Love to you and yours. Myra
Your poem is beautiful. I will share it with friends. We all need to hold each other's hands in a virtual circle. No matter what happens we will have each other. Love to you and yours. Myra